As I wake its like the mind gives me no time at all with myself.
It jumps straight in with dread, negativity. Looking for the dangers, the issues of today.
With Anxiety it's like searching for where the peace is in the day, where will I feel safe.
This is the underlying feeling with anxiety, safety. Will I be safe at work today, will I be safe doing what I have planned, will I get to where I need today, will I achieve everything today, will I be ok today, will I cope today, will there be any issues I'm not prepared for today.
With anxiety it's a constant focus on 'I need to be prepared, ready for anything, not just plan B, but C D and E, anxiety keeps us from being present, constantly focusing on future.
This constant looking out for danger and wanting, needing to feel safe. It's enough to not want to do anything, it can be debilitating, paralysing, the fears I feel can be so overwhelming and my daily living is a constant challenge.
What's next?What if?Just got over that one, but I need to be ready for the next drama, issue, problem.
Then telling myself in the same moment, I need a rest, I need a break, I need to change something, I need to get away, I can't do this anymore.
When you live with anxiety, this is what happens most days, it's exhausting, it's depressing.
I've experienced high anxiety most of my life, its often comes from childhood traumas or other traumatic life experiences. It puts us in a state of high alert to keep us safe.
It definitely impacts daily living and life experiences. Intruding and touching everything even when you feel your having a good day or moment, it creeps back in, lingering in the back ground.
There are many techniques that support us with managing and significantly reducing this heightened state of being.
For me it was Mindfulness, meditation and EFT (Emotional freedom technique), along with other relaxation activities, Yin Yoga, breathwork.
Introducing this into my daily life has enabled me to manage and reduce my anxiety. It has also helped look into my childhood traumas in a safe and gentle manner, allowing me to release, heal and change my subconscious programming and beliefs, allowing most days to be calm and peaceful, having rescued myself and dealt with my inner most issues.
Anxiety is not something to battle with, dismiss or ignore, this will actually increase it. Learning to be with it, that it is part of who we are enables it to be a less frightening and more manageable emotion.
Relaxation is key to reducing anxiety, I've spent years learning a variety of relaxation techniques for myself which has enabled me to bring to others in my classes and 1:1 coaching.
If you experience anxiety that is a constant daily emotion, consider:
1. Notice the feeling and acknowledge it, name it. This will reduce yours fears around it.
2. Focus on the moment, come into the present and focus on what you know is real, true, fact.
3. Notice what the anxiety is doing, how far away it is taking you from what you know is true, what is actually happening, not what you think might happen.
4. Breathe slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth, while you do this. Continue, continue, continue to focus on this style of breathing until it takes the edge of the anxiety. It's the discipline of the focus that's important. We often take 2-3 breaths expecting it to go away.
With anxiety we have no patience and this creates more anxiety.
5. Once the feeling has reduced, try and remain with what you know about whats created the anxiety. Remain in the present, remain in today and try to say to yourself I am safe, all will be ok.
This is a technique that may help in the moment. However to reduce and manage anxiety we need to develop a self care plan to support ourselves in the longer term.
I hope this gives some insight and wish you positive health and wellbeing today.